EncryptEase: Secure Your Valuable Information
Effortless Encryption, That ONLY YOU Can Decode

Generate Key
Encrypt Message
Encrypted message:
Encrypt File
Drag and drop files here
¡Sorry drag and drop is currently not supported!
Decrypt Message
Decrypted message:
Decrypt File
Drag and drop files here
¡Sorry drag and drop is currently not supported!

Welcome to EncryptEase, your go-to solution for effortless data encryption and security.
My platform empowers you to generate secure keys, encrypt messages, and decrypt them with ease, ensuring that your sensitive information remains safe and confidential.

Created by Subhajit Gorai, EncryptEase prioritizes user privacy and data security by not storing any user data. Feel free to use this platform as much as you need. But don't use it for any malicious purposes.

Feel Free to contact me if needed.

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How to Encode?
Provide your message or file, then generate a key of yours. Then fill up details and press Encrypt Button. You can Encode using that.
How to Decode?
Enter the Encrypted message or file and provide the same key you used to encode. After that you can Decode.
Is my encrypted data secure?
Yes, if you generate a unique key of yours and use that for encryption, only you can decode it.
Should I generate a unique key?
Yes it's recommended to do so. But you can also encrypt using the default key, but it's not unique that way, hence not that secure.
How the encryption works?
The code uses python cryptography module to encrypt data. And specifically it uses GCTR Mode. The cryptography module in Python allows you to encrypt text and files. It uses a secret key (like a complex password) and a random initialization vector (IV) to scramble the data with AES-256 encryption in GCTR mode. Imagine XORing your message with a random stream of bits - that's essentially what happens. This makes the data unreadable without the key. Decryption works by reversing the process with the same key and IV, making your files and messages secure.